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Prva najava: Sajam američkih koledža i univerziteta 11. oktobra u Beogradu

Redovni godišnji Sajam američkih koledža “EducationUSA Southeastern Europe Tour” ove godine se održava u oktobru. Predstavnici odabranih američkih univerziteta će od 2. do 11. oktobra posetiti region nekadašnje SFRJ i okoline i u direktnim razgovorima sa potencijalnim studentima i njihovim roditeljima objasniti detalje akademskih i drugih ponuda svojih institucija.

Beogradski deo posete održava se 11. oktobra od 17:00 do 19:30 u Moxy Hotelu Beograd (nekadašnji Hotel Park) i besplatan je za sve posetioce. Prijava je poželjna zbog komunikacije sa organizatorima, informacijama o institucijama i daljem kontaktu i obavlja se na ovoj stranici.

Redovni godišnji Sajam američkih koledža “EducationUSA Southeastern Europe Tour” ove godine se održava u oktobru. Predstavnici odabranih američkih univerziteta će od 2. do 11. oktobra posetiti region nekadašnje SFRJ i okoline i u direktnim razgovorima sa potencijalnim studentima i njihovim roditeljima objasniti detalje akademskih i drugih ponuda svojih institucija.

Američki koledži i univerziteti koji učestvuju na Sajmu specijalno su se prijavili i dolaze u region zbog budućih studenata i Centar vam savetuje da iskoristite priliku da razgovarate sa njihovim predstavnicima o svemu što vas interesuje o studiranju u SAD.

Beogradski deo posete održava se 11. oktobra od 17:00 do 19:30 u Moxy Hotelu Beograd (nekadašnji Hotel Park) i besplatan je za sve posetioce. Prijava je poželjna zbog komunikacije sa organizatorima, informacijama o institucijama i daljem kontaktu i obavlja se na ovoj stranici.

Više detalja o predstavljenim institucijama biće dostupno narednih dana na našim stranicama.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Bridging Backgrounds Program for High School Students

The Bridging Backgrounds program empowers high school students in the Balkans to foster tolerance, expand inter-ethnic understanding, and promote human rights in their communities. The program consists of two phases: learning and activism.

During the learning phase, program participants attend a twelve-day residential training where they participate in human rights education activities, restorative practice workshops, community activism trainings, digital field trips, and discussions with distinguished activists, politicians, and academics. During the activism phase, each participant designs and implements their own community-based projects with a micro-grant and sustained mentorship from the organizing team.

For the 2023 program, the phase one residential training will take place from August 8 to August 19 in Skopje and Tetovo, Macedonia. The phase two community projects will take place between September and January in participants’ communities.

The Bridging Backgrounds program empowers high school students in the Balkans to foster tolerance, expand inter-ethnic understanding, and promote human rights in their communities. The program consists of two phases: learning and activism. During the learning phase, program participants attend a twelve-day residential training where they participate in human rights education activities, restorative practice workshops, community activism trainings, digital field trips, and discussions with distinguished activists, politicians, and academics. During the activism phase, each participant designs and implements their own community-based projects with a micro-grant and sustained mentorship from the organizing team.

For the 2023 program, the phase one residential training will take place from August 8 to August 19 in Skopje and Tetovo, Macedonia. The phase two community projects will take place between September and January in participants’ communities.

To be eligible for the program, students must meet the following criteria:
– Current resident of Macedonia, Kosovo, Albania, or Serbia and will be for at least one more year.
– Attending high school for the 2023-2024 academic year.
– Minimum English language proficiency level of B2 according to the CEFR scale (conversational in English).

All students accepted to attend Bridging Backgrounds will receive a full scholarship to the program that covers all necessary costs, aside from personal costs and incidental expenses. The scholarship covers the following costs:
– Program tuition and supplies.
– Accommodation and meals during the phase one training.
– Transportation costs to and from the participant’s hometown.
– A micro-grant for the phase two project.

To participate in the program, students are required to do the following:
– Participate fully in the Bridging Backgrounds residential training from August 8 to August 19 in Skopje and Tetovo, Macedonia.
– Complete pre-program and post-program readings, homework, and surveys.
– Organize a post-conference community-based project that focuses on one of the themes of Bridging Backgrounds and expanding inter-ethnic understanding in their own communities. Students are eligible to receive up to 200 Euros in grant funding to complete this project.

The program is reviewing applications and accepting students on a rolling basis until July 23, 2023. Students who apply will be notified of their application status as accepted, wait-listed, or not accepted within five days of applying. Students wanting to apply for the program must fill out an application on our website (

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Radno vreme tokom praznika

Međunarodni akademski centar angažovan je tokom narednih par nedelja u pružanju pomoći i savetovanju potencijalnih studenata u Sjedinjenim Državama koji privode kraju prijave za upis studija i finansijsku pomoć univerziteta. U pripremi za rokove za prijem prijava početkom januara savetnici i stručnjaci Centra obezbeđuju savete i pomoć onlajn tokom praznika. Budući studenti i roditelji mogu nas kontaktirati slanjem email poruke na ili pozivom ili porukom na 0653349639.

Redovno radno vreme u kancelariji Centra tokom prve polovine januara počinje u utorak, 3. januara.

Petak, 6. januar i subota, 7. januar su neradni dani, a redovni ritam rada nastavlja se od utorka, 10. januara.

Međunarodni akademski centar angažovan je tokom narednih par nedelja u pružanju pomoći i savetovanju potencijalnih studenata u Sjedinjenim Državama koji privode kraju prijave za upis studija i finansijsku pomoć univerziteta. U pripremi za rokove za prijem prijava početkom januara savetnici i stručnjaci Centra obezbeđuju savete i pomoć onlajn tokom praznika. Budući studenti i roditelji mogu nas kontaktirati slanjem email poruke na ili pozivom ili porukom na 0653349639.

Redovno radno vreme u kancelariji Centra tokom prve polovine januara počinje u utorak, 3. januara.

Petak, 6. januar i subota, 7. januar su neradni dani, a redovni ritam rada nastavlja se od utorka, 10. januara.

Zbog raznih obaveza koje su vezane za prijave za studiranje u Americi savetujemo vas da nas nazovete pre dolaska u kancelariju.

Želimo vam sve najbolje u 2023. godini!

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Competition 2023-2024

The Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications from citizens of Serbia for participation in the prestigious Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for the 2023-24 academic year.

Successful candidates are accomplished, young, mid-career professionals in leadership positions who have a demonstrated commitment to public service and have the potential for further advancement in their fields. Candidates should be interested in strengthening their leadership skills through a mutual exchange of knowledge and views with the Americans and with Fellows from other countries they meet during this program about issues of common concern.

The Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications from citizens of Serbia for participation in the prestigious Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for the 2023-24 academic year. This is a competitive, worldwide competition. If you are interested in broadening your perspectives, becoming a global leader, and giving back to Serbian society upon your return, the Humphrey Fellowship is for you.

The Humphrey Program is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education. Over 6,000 Fellows representing 162 countries have participated in the program since its inception in 1978. That has included 20 Serbians in the past decade.

Successful candidates are accomplished, young, mid-career professionals in leadership positions who have a demonstrated commitment to public service and have the potential for further advancement in their fields. Candidates should be interested in strengthening their leadership skills through a mutual exchange of knowledge and views with the Americans and with Fellows from other countries they meet during this program about issues of common concern. Practical experience in the U.S. gained through this program, plus greater familiarity with American society and culture, will provide Humphrey Fellows with the basis for lasting, productive ties with their American counterparts in the years to come.


The Humphrey Fellowship is granted competitively to public and private sector candidates from Serbia with strong leadership potential and a commitment to service who are focused on the following fields:


  • Economic Development.

    1. Public Policy Analysis and Public Administration.

    2. Technology Policy and Management.

    3. Law and Human Rights.

    4. Trafficking in Persons Policy & Prevention.

    5. Agricultural and Rural Development.

    6. Natural Resources, Environmental Policy, and Climate Change.

    7. Urban and Regional Planning

    8. Public Health Policy and Management

    9. Higher Education Administration


The yearlong Fellowship offers valuable opportunities for non-degree graduate level university study, leadership development, networking, and substantive professional collaboration with U.S. counterparts through practical work experience.

The freedom from the requirements necessary to obtain a degree gives each Fellow greater flexibility to pursue a self-directed, individualized program. Though Humphrey Fellows are hosted at American universities, we would like to stress that this is a professional, non-academic exchange program. Certain universities will host Fellows in the same field of interest, so candidates are unable to request placement at particular academic institutions. Humphrey Fellows may not transfer from non-degree to degree status at their host university under any circumstances.

Beyond the graduate level courses, professional enrichment activities include participation in conferences, training programs, site visits, and a “professional affiliation,” i.e., practical job experience on a full-time basis in an American work environment for a minimum of six weeks. Early in the academic year, with assistance from the Humphrey coordinator and faculty advisors at the university, each Fellow will develop a detailed plan of practical professional activities geared toward his/her Humphrey Program objectives.

During the year, Fellows both pursue their individual program goals and work closely with their Humphrey colleagues in workshops and seminars. The Program also encourages Fellows to travel away from their host campus to learn more about American culture and to network with their American peers.


Appropriate candidates are young, mid-career professionals in leadership positions in either the public and private sector who have demonstrated a commitment to public service and the potential for further advancement.

  • We strongly encourage both men and women to apply, as well as persons with disabilities and individuals from other underserved groups.

  • The technical eligibility requirements are:

  • Serbian citizenship and eligibility to obtain a U.S. visa.

  • An undergraduate university degree.

  • A minimum of five years of full-time, professional experience in the relevant field by June 2023.

  • Limited or no prior experience in the United States.

  • Demonstrated leadership qualities.

  • A record of public service in the community.

  • Proficiency* in written and spoken English. Candidates will normally have a Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) score of 525 (paper-based) or 71 (internet-based). If you have taken a TOEFL exams in the past, scores are valid for two years. The TOEFL exam is not a requirement at the time of application. Candidates who pass the interview will receive the instructions how to register for the TOEFL exam.

* Note: In addition to the pre-academic language training traditionally available to all selected candidates, the Humphrey Program offers Long-Term English (LTE) language training opportunities to facilitate participation of individuals who might lack sufficiently advanced English language skills at the time of application. Candidates for LTE typically have TOEFL scores in the 440-500 range (paper-based test) or 42-61 (internet-based test). LTE participants will travel to the U.S early for intensive language training lasting 20-25 weeks to improve their English skills before transitioning to their host university campuses at the start of the 2020-21 academic year.

Please be aware that the following individuals are ineligible to apply for the Humphrey Program:

  • Recent university graduates (even if they now hold significant positions in their organizations);

  • University teachers or academic researchers with no management responsibilities;

  • Individuals who have attended a graduate school in the United States for one academic year or more during the seven years prior to August 2023;

  • Individuals with U.S. in-country experience of any kind lasting more than six months during the five years prior to August 2023;

  • Individuals with dual U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent resident status may not apply to the program; they are ineligible for a J visa;

  • Local employees of U.S. Missions abroad who work for the U.S. Department of State and members of their families as well as individuals who work for or are otherwise associated with an organization that is responsible for nominating or selecting individuals for participation in any Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) exchange program are ineligible for grants during the period of their employment and for one year following the termination of employment.

  • Priority will be given to candidates with no recent experiences in a third country, especially in a developed country.


Beyond demonstrating the required experience, skills, and a commitment to public service, candidates will also need to explain through the application process how they might benefit from the unique opportunities offered in the Humphrey Program. The key questions to answer are: Why exactly do you need this experience at this point in your career? How exactly will you and how will Serbia benefit from your participation in this program?

Applications are due June 30, 2022. Information on how to apply is below.
Within 30 days, we will contact short-listed applicants to attend an interview at the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade in the first half of September, 2022.

Candidates who pass the interview will be registered for the TOEFL exam. We will then forward the application packets with TOEFL results to Washington.

The final selection of candidates will be announced in Washington, DC in February 2023.

Finalists will then need to apply for a visa. The Embassy will assist the candidate with that process and other paperwork requirements, including the medical exam.


The Humphrey Fellowship covers air travel, a stipend, and other costs, but all expenses are budgeted only for the Fellow himself/herself. The award does not include additional allowances or funds of any sort for dependents, i.e., family members. Candidates who are planning to have dependents join them during all or part of the fellowship year in the U.S. should bear in mind the high cost of living. They must furthermore receive prior approval from the Humphrey Program that they have adequate personal funds to cover living expenses and dependents’ health insurance and (if applicable) child care. Dependents absolutely may not come during the ELT period when the Fellow is engaged in intensive study of English in preparation for the Fellowship year.



Interested candidates should apply online at

You will need to gather additional documents:

  • Copy of passport (bio data page);

  • Evidence of your employment in Serbia (letter from employer confirming employment, and certified translation if the letter is in Serbian);

  • Copy of university diploma(s);

  • Certified university transcript(s), including course listings and grades received;

  • Curriculum vitae (CV) or résumé;

  • TOEFL scores (if available).

These additional documents must be mailed by June 30, 2022 to:

U.S. Embassy Belgrade
Public Diplomacy Section
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program
Bulevar kneza Aleksandra Karadjordjevica 92
11000 Belgrade

For additional information about the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship:

The Hubert Humphrey Fellowship program is administered by the Institute of International Education (

For more information on the Hubert Humphrey Fellowship program, you can visit:

If you have further questions, please contact U.S. Embassy Belgrade’s Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) via email at

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SAT General prelazi na kompjutersku verziju od 2023.

College Board je danas najavio velike promene u organizaciji svojih ispita, od kojih je za naše srednjoškolce najvažnija ona koja će zadesiti SAT General. Ovaj ispit potreban je za upis koledža i univerziteta u Sjedinjenim Državama i na drugim lokacijama širom sveta.

SAT General će od proleća 2023. godine biti održavan isključivo na računarima u centrima za testiranje. Više detalja će biti dostupno uskoro, ali je poznato da će kandidati moći da koriste računare u centrima za testiranje i da donesu svoje lap top uređaje. Test ne bi trebalo da bude zahtevan, tako da i stariji kompjuteri mogu da posluže za test.

College Board je danas najavio velike promene u organizaciji svojih ispita, od kojih je za naše srednjoškolce najvažnija ona koja će zadesiti SAT General. Ovaj ispit potreban je za upis koledža i univerziteta u Sjedinjenim Državama i na drugim lokacijama širom sveta.

Najvažnije što bi trebalo da znate je da će SAT General od proleća 2023. godine biti održavan isključivo na računarima u centrima za testiranje. Više detalja će biti dostupno uskoro, ali je poznato da će kandidati moći da koriste računare u centrima za testiranje i da donesu svoje lap top uređaje. Test ne bi trebalo da bude zahtevan, tako da i stariji kompjuteri mogu da posluže za test.

Test će biti ponuđen u više termina, pitanja će biti adaptivna, odnosno prilagođavaće se učinku na testu i matematičke sekcije će dozvoljavati digitrone tokom celog testa. Test će trajati dva sata, umesto dosadašnjih tri i po sata, a skala bodovanja će ostati ista, sa maksimum od 1,600 bodova. Rezultati testa će biti objavljivani brže od trenutnog perioda od dve do tri nedelje. Ostali detalji će biti najavljeni i Centar će vas obavestiti kada informacije budu dostupne.

Zvanične informacije i više resursa pronađite na stranici .

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