The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announces an open competition for individuals and organizations to submit applications for the Serbian-American Cooperation Grants Program.
PDS welcomes proposals from non-government organizations, governmental institutions and individuals to administer creative, engaging projects that strengthen the Serbian-U.S. relationship and explain U.S. culture, society, values, and policies to Serbian audiences. The Embassy is also working with Serbia’s government, civil society, business community, and other partners on promoting economic development and fighting brain drain; strengthening democracy, including through supporting civic participation, encouraging a free press and human rights, and advancing regional stability and cooperation.
Projects funded through this NOFO must include an American element. That could involve a connection or partnership between Serbian and American organizations or institutions; inviting an American expert to take part, in person or virtually, in your project; hosting a program to examine shared Serbian-American values, national interests, etc.; or incorporating a U.S. approach or method for addressing a challenge facing your community, institution, or profession.
English Language Programs Funding Opportunity 2022
The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announces an open competition for individuals and organizations from Serbia or the U.S. to submit applications for the English Language Small Grants Program.
* Note: Proposals will be reviewed and grants issued on a rolling basis, so please do not wait until the deadline to submit your application.
Serbian-American Cooperation Grants Program Funding Opportunity 2022
Program welcomes proposals for creative, engaging projects that align with the U.S. Embassy’s main objectives. That includes strengthening the Serbian-U.S. relationship and explaining U.S. culture, society, values, and policies to Serbian audiences. The Embassy is also working with Serbia’s government, civil society, business community, and other partners on promoting economic development and fighting brain drain; strengthening democracy, including through supporting civic participation; encouraging a free press and human rights; and advancing regional stability and cooperation. Progress in those areas should assist Serbia on the path toward its stated goal of European Union (EU) membership.
English Language Programs Funding Opportunity 2021
The U.S. Embassy Belgrade announces an open competition for individuals and organizations from Serbia or the U.S. to submit applications to carry out grant projects in support the objectives of the English Language Small Grants as described under “Program Objectives”. Deadline to apply is March 31, 2021.