International Academic Center International Academic Center

Američki "Liberal Arts" koledži - prezentacija pretrage opcija, 11. maj

Američki ekskluzivni “Liberal Arts & Sciences” koledži udružili su snage kako bi se ideja studiranja u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama približila potencijalnim studentima osnovnih studija i olakšao proces i srednjoškolcima i roditeljima. Koledži Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore i Williams tokom akademske godine organizuju više prezentacija za buduće studente i njihove roditelje o svim temama koje su važne za dalje obrazovanje.

Naredni termin posebno posvećen stranim studentima u SAD održava se 11. maja od 17:00 po beogradskom vremenu. Tema savetovanja je pretraga koledža u Americi.

Američki ekskluzivni “Liberal Arts & Sciences” koledži udružili su snage kako bi se ideja studiranja u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama približila potencijalnim studentima osnovnih studija i olakšao proces i srednjoškolcima i roditeljima. Koledži Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore i Williams tokom akademske godine organizuju više prezentacija za buduće studente i njihove roditelje o svim temama koje su važne za dalje obrazovanje. 

Naredni termin posebno posvećen stranim studentima u SAD održava se 11. maja od 17:00 po beogradskom vremenu. Tema savetovanja je pretraga koledža u Americi. 

Registracija se obavlja online na ovoj stranici

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Pitanja o studiranju u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama možete postaviti zvaničnoj instituciji za informisanje o studiranju u SAD - Međunarodnom akademskom centru - EducationUSA Srbija -

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Online events: Six Colleges, Liberal Arts in the USA (April 26, May 13)

In the spirit of cooperation, six highly selective liberal arts and sciences colleges in the United States—Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore, and Williams—are joining forces to offer you an opportunity to connect with international admissions officers, learn about the upcoming application season, and have your questions answered. Please use the registration form to submit questions in advance or ask them during our conversation.

In the spirit of cooperation, six highly selective liberal arts and sciences colleges in the United States—Amherst, Bowdoin, Carleton, Pomona, Swarthmore, and Williams—are joining forces to offer you an opportunity to connect with international admissions officers, learn about the upcoming application season, and have your questions answered. Please use the registration form to submit questions in advance or ask them during our conversation.

We're also offering information sessions specifically for international students. Three different sessions are available so that students from different parts of the world can attend at a time that works for them. Counselors may register to attend, too.

Starting the College Search – April 26 at 11 a.m. (Eastern Time US/Canada)

Starting the College Search – May 13 at 9 a.m. (Eastern Time US/Canada)

Starting the College Search: China Session – June 10 at 9 a.m. (Eastern Time US/Canada)

Student event registration -

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