Global UGRAD Program 2025-26
A program of the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, the Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD ) provides emerging student leaders with a scholarship for one semester of non-degree academic study at a U.S. college or university. The program is designed to increase participants’ understanding of the United States and enhance their leadership skills through academic coursework, community service, and professional development activities.
During the exchange semester, Global UGRAD students live and learn on-campus alongside their American peers, complete 20 hours of community service, and enroll in full-time undergraduate coursework, including one U.S. Studies course. Students also participate in an end-of-program workshop in Washington, DC, to develop their leadership skills further, network with their global cohort, and prepare for re-entry. Upon returning home, Global UGRAD students apply the new knowledge and skills gained during the program to enact positive change in their local communities and join a global network of over 3,000 UGRAD alumni.
The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the Fulbright Non-degree Visiting Researcher Program for Doctoral Students competition for the 2025-2026 academic year. The Fulbright Non-degree Visiting Researcher Program for Doctoral Students enables young professionals from Serbia who are already enrolled in a PhD program at a Serbian university to conduct research at a U.S. university related to their PhD thesis. Grants last 6 to 9 months, and the PhD students from the following fields can apply:
Agriculture, American History, American Literature, American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Geology, Information Sciences, Journalism / Media Studies, Law, Library Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, TEFL/Applied Linguistics
Participants are selected through an open, merit-based competition. This prestigious award covers tuition and fees at a U.S. university, a monthly living stipend, health insurance, and international airfare.
Global UGRAD Program - Apply by December 15, 2023
The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program (Global UGRAD ) provides a diverse group of emerging student leaders with a scholarship for one semester of non-degree academic study at a U.S. college or university. Global UGRAD is a program of the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the United States Department of State and aims to recruit participants from underrepresented backgrounds who have not had other opportunities to study in the United States. Successful applicants can expect an in-depth exposure to U.S. society, culture, and academic institutions, as well as opportunities to enhance their professional skills.
Participants will be required to enroll in at least two courses in their major and one course in a U.S. Studies field (such as history, literature, art, or government) to enhance their understanding of the United States. Participants will live in campus housing facilities with American peers and will be required to participate in 20 hours of community service. The program will include a pre-departure orientation, a virtual arrival orientation, and an in-person end-of-program workshop in Washington, DC. The scholarship covers international travel, tuition, room and board, medical insurance, required books, and a small monthly stipend.
The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the opening of the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2024-2025 academic year. This is a non-degree post-doctoral award program for junior and senior researchers, university lecturers, and experts from academic institutions in Serbia.
This program gives scholars the opportunity to travel to the United States to engage in advanced academic research and/or lecture at the university level. All applicants must currently be affiliated with one of the higher education institutions in Serbia. In addition, all qualified applicants are expected to have the capacity and commitment to take full advantage of the program, either doing research or lecturing at a U.S. university, and be willing to share their experience and knowledge after returning to Serbia.
Fulbright Graduate Study Program Competition 2024-2025
The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the Fulbright Graduate Study Program competition for the 2024-2025 academic year. The Fulbright Graduate Study Program enables young professionals from Serbia to study for one year or longer at U.S. universities to pursue a master’s level of study in the following fields:
Agriculture, American History, American Literature, American Studies, Anthropology, Archaeology, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Communications, Computer Science, Economics, Education, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Geography, Geology, Information Sciences, Journalism / Media Studies, Law, Library Science, Linguistics, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Social Work, Sociology, TEFL/Applied Linguistics
The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announces an open competition for individuals and organizations to submit applications for the Serbian-American Cooperation Grants Program.
PDS welcomes proposals from non-government organizations, governmental institutions and individuals to administer creative, engaging projects that strengthen the Serbian-U.S. relationship and explain U.S. culture, society, values, and policies to Serbian audiences. The Embassy is also working with Serbia’s government, civil society, business community, and other partners on promoting economic development and fighting brain drain; strengthening democracy, including through supporting civic participation, encouraging a free press and human rights, and advancing regional stability and cooperation.
Projects funded through this NOFO must include an American element. That could involve a connection or partnership between Serbian and American organizations or institutions; inviting an American expert to take part, in person or virtually, in your project; hosting a program to examine shared Serbian-American values, national interests, etc.; or incorporating a U.S. approach or method for addressing a challenge facing your community, institution, or profession.
Programi razmena BOLD - rokovi do 15. januara i 15. marta
Program BOLD akademskih razmena podrazumeva boravak u SAD u trajanju od 5-6 nedelja. Program organizuju institucije u SAD specijalizovane za mentorstvo mladih liderki/lidera u oblastima građanskog angažovanja i ekonomskog razvoja. Program je namenjen BOLD članicama/članovima uzrasta od 18-25 koji imaju dobre ideje kako da doprinesu i ostvare pozitivne promene u svojim zajednicama.
BOLD akademska razmena u oblasti preduzetništva - konkurs je otvoren do nedelje, 15. januara 2023. godine.
BOLD akademska razmena u oblasti građanskog angažovanja - konkurs je otvoren do srede, 15. marta 2023. godine.
Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program Competition 2023-2024
The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the opening of the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2023-2024 academic year. This a non-degree post-doctoral award program for junior and senior researchers, university lecturers, and experts from academic institutions in Serbia. This program gives scholars the opportunity to travel to the United States to engage in advanced academic research and/or lecture at the university level. All applicants must currently be affiliated with one of the higher education institutions in Serbia. In addition, all qualified applicants are expected to have the capacity and commitment to take full advantage of the program, either doing research or lecturing at a U.S. university, and be willing to share their experience and knowledge after returning to Serbia.
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program Competition 2023-2024
The Public Diplomacy Section of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications from citizens of Serbia for participation in the prestigious Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program for the 2023-24 academic year.
Successful candidates are accomplished, young, mid-career professionals in leadership positions who have a demonstrated commitment to public service and have the potential for further advancement in their fields. Candidates should be interested in strengthening their leadership skills through a mutual exchange of knowledge and views with the Americans and with Fellows from other countries they meet during this program about issues of common concern.
BOLD Academic Fellowships Program 2022
The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications for the BOLD Academic Fellowship Program.
The BOLD (Balkanski omladinski lideri, Young Balkan Leaders in English) network is a project of PDS that seeks to develop the leadership capacity of young Serbians by empowering them to implement projects for positive change in their communities in two thematic areas: civic engagement and economic development. Anyone age 18-35 in Serbia can join the BOLD network where members have access to three main types of competitive opportunities.