International Academic Center International Academic Center

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program Competition 2022-2023

The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the opening of the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2022-2023 academic year. This a non-degree post-doctoral award program for junior and senior researchers, university lecturers, and experts from academic institutions in Serbia. This program gives scholars the opportunity to travel to the United States to engage in advanced academic research and/or lecture at the university level.

The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the opening of the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2022-2023 academic year. This a non-degree post-doctoral award program for junior and senior researchers, university lecturers, and experts from academic institutions in Serbia. This program gives scholars the opportunity to travel to the United States to engage in advanced academic research and/or lecture at the university level. All applicants must currently be affiliated with one of the higher education institutions in Serbia. In addition, all qualified applicants are expected to have the capacity and commitment to take full advantage of the program, either doing research or lecturing at a U.S. university, and be willing to share their experience and knowledge after returning to Serbia. The Embassy wants the Fulbright experience to be of value not only to the individual scholar, but also to that individual’s home university, including its students and faculty. And, of course, we anticipate that the presence of the Visiting Scholar from Serbia will benefit the U.S. host institution as well. Indeed, Fulbright scholars serve as citizen ambassadors and should be prepared to speak about their country, culture, and research to academic and community groups in the U.S.

Fields of Specialization:

  • Applications will be considered in the following areas of specialization:

  • Agriculture / Agro-Business

  • Engineering

  • Medical Sciences

  • American Studies

  • Environmental Sciences

  • Music

  • Anthropology

  • Film Studies

  • Philosophy

  • Archaeology

  • Geography

  • Physics

  • Architecture

  • Geology

  • Political Science

  • Art

  • Global Health

  • Psychology

  • Art History

  • Government

  • Public Administration

  • Astronomy

  • History (either American or other)

  • Public Health

  • Biology

  • Information Science

  • Regional/Area Studies

  • Business Administration

  • International Affairs

  • Religious Studies

  • Chemistry

  • Journalism

  • Social Work

  • Communications

  • Literature (either American or other)

  • Sociology

  • Computer Science

  • Law

  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

  • Creative Writing

  • Library Science

  • Theater

  • Dance

  • Linguistics

  • Urban Planning

  • Economics

  • Mathematics

  • Education

We especially encourage applications focusing on Agriculture/Agro-business, Engineering, Science, Law, Government, Political Science, American Studies, and Regional or Area Studies. Taking into account the current worldwide public health crisis, we would also certainly welcome applications related to Public Health or Global Health.

Length of Program

The minimum grant period is three (3) and maximum nine (9) months.

Eligibility requirements

Applicants must:

  • be citizens of the Republic of Serbia;

  • hold a Ph.D. in the field of research or lecturing;

  • be proficient in oral and written English;

  • be eligible for a J-1 visa, which requires the grantee to return to the Republic of Serbia for a minimum of two years following the end of the grant period;

  • be in good enough health to obtain a medical clearance.

  • Persons desiring to immigrate to or obtain permanent residence in the United States are not eligible to apply.

  • Researchers in medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing and other fields whose research proposals include clinical contact with patients are not eligible for Fulbright grants. Candidates with medical degrees are not allowed to pursue medical residencies or internships in the United States as Fulbright Fellows.


The Fulbright program does provide small allowance for accompanying dependents.

How to apply

Completed on online application at:

To apply, you will need to upload scans of the following onto the online application portal:

  • Detailed statement about your proposed research project and/or plan to conduct lectures in the United States during the grant period;

  • Letter from your employer confirming your employment in Serbia (in English or Serbian);

  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae (resume);

  • Three (3) letters of reference;

  • Bibliography (related to your research proposal) and/or course syllabus (related to your lecturing proposal);

  • Letter of invitation or email from a U.S. institution of higher learning, if applicable, i.e., if you have already been in touch with a U.S. university);

  • Copy of the biodata page of your passport.

Any application sent or submitted to the U.S. Embassy via any channel except for the official online system noted above will not be considered.

Do not try to send your application by post or by email.

Instructions for completing the application can be found here

Application Deadline

October 18, 2021

Decision Timeline.

Only short-listed candidates will be interviewed in November or December. Washington will make the final selection and decisions on placement in the spring of 2022.

For additional information about the Fulbright Scholarship please email:

For information on this and other academic and professional exchange programs: Please go to:

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