

International Academic Center International Academic Center

Fulbright Non-Degree Research Program for Doctoral Students 2023-2024

The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the Fulbright Non-degree Visiting Researcher Program for Doctoral Students competition for the 2023-2024 academic year. The Fulbright Non-degree Visiting Researcher Program for Doctoral Students enables young professionals from Serbia who are already enrolled in a PhD program at a Serbian university to conduct research at a U.S. university related to their PhD thesis.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Priprema za TOEFL od 26. januara 2022.

Priprema za TOEFL iBT, test potreban za upis studija na engleskom jeziku u SAD i na drugim lokacijama širom sveta, u Centru počinje 26. januara 2022. godine i traje šest nedelja. Kurs se organizuje uživo u Centru, uz mogućnost onlajn praćenja nastave za one koji ne mogu da dođu do Centra zbog daljine ili zdravstvenih razloga.

Priprema se obavlja u prostorijama Centra u Beogradu sredom i petkom. Časovi se mogu organizovati pre podne ili popodne, u skladu sa obavezama kandidata, ali se može organizovati rad u jednoj smeni. Maksimalni broj studenata u grupi je 6 - svi studenti nakon tog broja će formirati narednu grupu ili grupe u posebnim terminima. Termini se mogu menjati u skladu sa obavezama polaznika.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Priprema za martovski SAT General od 11. januara

Priprema za martovsko polaganje SAT General u Centru se nastavlja od 11. januara. Nedelja pred nama će biti iskorišćena za nadoknadu propuštenog tokom poslednjih par dana decembra. Kurs se organizuje utorkom i četvrtkom, u dva potencijalna termina tokom tih dana.

Kandidatima za pripremu savetujemo da se što pre prijave za polaganje na zvaničnom sajtu ispita ako to do sada već nisu uradili.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Serbian-American Cooperation Grants Program Funding Opportunity 2022

Program welcomes proposals for creative, engaging projects that align with the U.S. Embassy’s main objectives. That includes strengthening the Serbian-U.S. relationship and explaining U.S. culture, society, values, and policies to Serbian audiences. The Embassy is also working with Serbia’s government, civil society, business community, and other partners on promoting economic development and fighting brain drain; strengthening democracy, including through supporting civic participation; encouraging a free press and human rights; and advancing regional stability and cooperation. Progress in those areas should assist Serbia on the path toward its stated goal of European Union (EU) membership.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program 2022/23

The Fulbright Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program (Fulbright TEA) is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. The 2023 program will mark the 25th year of the Teaching Excellence and Achievement Program.

Teachers are nominated to participate in the Fulbright TEA Program based on their educational experience, academic training, leadership and professional experience. Final selection of Fulbright TEA teachers is made by the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (FFSB).

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Srećna Vam Nova 2022!

Međunarodni akademski centar : EducationUSA Srbija želi vam sve najbolje u 2022. godini! Želimo Vam da što lakše završite prijave i da imate više sreće i finansijske dobrobiti nego što ste očekivali tokom procesa pretrage i izbora daljih studija.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Priprema za SAT General od 21. decembra

Priprema za SAT General, ispit potreban za upis koledža i univerziteta u Americi i na drugim lokacijama u svetu, počinje u utorak, 21. decembra 2021. godine i traje do 26. februara 2022. godine. Ovaj termin priprema prilagođen je polaganju testa u martu 2022. godine, ali kandidati mogu da ga iskoriste i za kasnije termine.

Priprema se obavlja uživo u kancelariji Centra u Beogradu, ali je otvorena i mogućnost onlajn priprema za one koji ne mogu da stignu do nas.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Travel Requirements to Enter the United States Starting December 6, 2021

Starting December 6, 2021, adjusted COVID-19 testing requirements will apply for travel to the United States. All air passengers 2 years or older – regardless of citizenship and vaccination status – with a flight departing to the United States from a foreign country are required to show a negative COVID-19 viral test result taken no more than one day before travel, or documentation of having recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days, before they board their flight.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

SAT simulacija - 27. novembar 2021.

Simulacija SAT General pred decembarsko polaganje održava se u subotu, 27. novembra 2021. godine u Međunarodnom akademskom centru. Vreme početka simulacije je 10:00 i očekivano vreme probnog testa je oko četiri sata. Broj mesta je ograničen, a prijave su obavezne putem linka .

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Priprema za TOEFL od 1. decembra 2021.

Priprema za TOEFL iBT, test potreban za upis studija na engleskom jeziku u SAD i na drugim lokacijama širom sveta, u Centru počinje 1. decembra 2021. godine i traje šest nedelja. Kurs se organizuje uživo u Centru, uz mogućnost onlajn praćenja nastave.

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