International Academic Center International Academic Center

Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program Competition 2025-2026

The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program is a non-degree post-doctoral award program for junior and senior researchers, university lecturers, and experts from academic institutions in Serbia. This program gives scholars the opportunity to travel to the United States to engage in advanced academic research and/or lecture at the university level. All applicants must currently be affiliated with one of the higher education institutions in Serbia. In addition, all qualified applicants are expected to have the capacity and commitment to take full advantage of the program, either doing research or lecturing at a U.S. university, and be willing to share their experience and knowledge after returning to Serbia. The Embassy wants the Fulbright experience to be of value not only to the individual scholar, but also to that individual’s home university, including its students and faculty. And, of course, we anticipate that the presence of the Visiting Scholar from Serbia will benefit the U.S. host institution as well. Indeed, Fulbright scholars serve as citizen ambassadors and should be prepared to speak about their country, culture, and research to academic and community groups in the U.S.

The Embassy of the United States of America in Serbia is pleased to announce the opening of the Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program competition for the 2025-2026 academic year.

The Fulbright Visiting Scholar Program is a non-degree post-doctoral award program for junior and senior researchers, university lecturers, and experts from academic institutions in Serbia. This program gives scholars the opportunity to travel to the United States to engage in advanced academic research and/or lecture at the university level. All applicants must currently be affiliated with one of the higher education institutions in Serbia. In addition, all qualified applicants are expected to have the capacity and commitment to take full advantage of the program, either doing research or lecturing at a U.S. university, and be willing to share their experience and knowledge after returning to Serbia. The Embassy wants the Fulbright experience to be of value not only to the individual scholar, but also to that individual’s home university, including its students and faculty. And, of course, we anticipate that the presence of the Visiting Scholar from Serbia will benefit the U.S. host institution as well. Indeed, Fulbright scholars serve as citizen ambassadors and should be prepared to speak about their country, culture, and research to academic and community groups in the U.S.

Fields of Specialization: Applications will be considered in the following areas of specialization:

  • Agriculture / Agro-Business

  • American Studies

  • Anthropology

  • Archaeology

  • Architecture

  • Art

  • Art History

  • Astronomy

  • Biology

  • Business Administration

  • Chemistry

  • Communications

  • Computer Science

  • Creative Writing

  • Dance

  • Economics

  • Education

  • Engineering

  • Environmental Sciences

  • Film Studies

  • Geography

  • Geology

  • Global Health

  • Government

  • History (either American or other)

  • Information Science

  • International Affairs

  • Journalism

  • Literature (either American or other)

  • Law

  • Library Science

  • Linguistics

  • Mathematics

  • Medical Sciences

  • Music

  • Philosophy

  • Physics

  • Political Science

  • Psychology

  • Public Administration

  • Public Health

  • Regional/Area Studies

  • Religious Studies

  • Social Work

  • Sociology

  • Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL)

  • Theater

  • Urban Planning

Length of Program: The minimum grant period is three (3) and maximum nine (9) months.

Eligibility Requirements: Applicants must:

  • be citizens of the Republic of Serbia;

  • hold a Ph.D. in the field of research or lecturing;

  • be proficient in oral and written English;

  • be eligible for a J-1 visa, which requires the grantee to return to the Republic of Serbia for a minimum of two years following the end of the grant period;

  • be in good enough health to obtain a medical clearance.

Persons desiring to immigrate to or obtain permanent residence in the United States are not eligible to apply.

Researchers in medicine, dental medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing and other fields whose research proposals include clinical contact with patients are not eligible for Fulbright grants. Candidates with medical degrees are not allowed to pursue medical residencies or internships in the United States as Fulbright Fellows.

Dependents: The Fulbright program does provide small allowance for accompanying dependents.

How to apply: Completed on online application at:

To apply, you will need to upload scans of the following documents onto the online application portal:

  • Detailed statement about your proposed research project and/or plan to conduct lectures in the United States during the grant period;

  • Letter from your employer confirming your employment in Serbia (in English or Serbian);

  • Detailed Curriculum Vitae (resume);

  • Three (3) letters of reference;

  • Bibliography (related to your research proposal) and/or course syllabus (related to your lecturing proposal);

  • Letter of invitation or email from a U.S. institution of higher learning, if applicable, i.e., if you have already been in touch with a U.S. university);

  • Copy of the biodata page of your passport.

Any application sent or submitted to the U.S. Embassy via any channel except for the official online system noted above will not be considered. Do not try to send your application by post or by email.

Instructions for completing the application can be downloaded here.

Application Deadline: October 16, 2024

Decision Timeline: Only short-listed candidates will be interviewed in November or December. Washington will make the final selection and decisions on placement in the spring of 2025.

For additional information about the Fulbright Scholarship: Please email:

For information on this and other academic and professional exchange programs: Click here

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

CSS formular za finansijsku pomoć - asistencija srednjoškolcima i roditeljima

Budući studenti u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama koji traže finansijsku pomoć za dalje obrazovanje nakon srednje škole popunjavaju više različitih formulara tokom procesa prijave. Najčešće se popunjava onlajn CSS profil (College Scholarship Service Profile) koji koledži žele da vide pre odluke o stipendijama i drugim vidovima finansijske pomoći.

Formularu se može pristupiti preko stranice, sa korisničkim imenom i lozinkom koja se koristi na sajtu College Board napravljenom tokom registracije za ispit SAT.

CSS formular od korisnika traži podatke o primanjima, troškovima i imovnom stanju, kako bi koledži na odgovarajući način mogli da naprave finansijsku sliku o porodici budućeg studenta.

Ako tokom popunjavanja imate pitanja o ovom dokumentu ili o tome šta se traži od članova porodice, pogledajte poseban video koji smo napravili na ovu temu - .

Budući studenti u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama koji traže finansijsku pomoć za dalje obrazovanje nakon srednje škole popunjavaju više različitih formulara tokom procesa prijave. Najčešće se popunjava onlajn CSS profil (College Scholarship Service Profile) koji koledži žele da vide pre odluke o stipendijama i drugim vidovima finansijske pomoći.

Formularu se može pristupiti preko stranice, sa korisničkim imenom i lozinkom koja se koristi na sajtu College Board napravljenom tokom registracije za ispit SAT.

CSS formular od korisnika traži podatke o primanjima, troškovima i imovnom stanju, kako bi koledži na odgovarajući način mogli da naprave finansijsku sliku o porodici budućeg studenta.

Ako tokom popunjavanja imate pitanja o ovom dokumentu ili o tome šta se traži od članova porodice, pogledajte poseban video koji smo napravili na ovu temu - .

Tokom narednog perioda savetnici Centra su odvojili posebno vreme za besplatne konsultacije sa đacima i roditeljima o zahtevima ovog formulara. Iskoristite priliku da zakažete neki od termina i postavite pitanja o zahtevima CSS formulara popunjavanjem formulara na stranici .

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

Student grafičkih umetnosti inspiriše najnovijim stvaralaštvom

Čudne, a zadivljujuće statue Lepenskog Vira u Srbiji decenijama zbunjuju posetioce i umetnike. Isklesane u kamenu nalazile su se duž reke Dunav i prikazuju ljudska lica sa ribljim crtama.

Zaintrigirana, Medlin Alison, student završne godine grafičkog dizajna na Univerzitetu Vejland Baptist, odlučila je da zaroni malo dublje kako bi saznala više o istorijskom mestu za školski projekat. Ipak je naletela na prepreku - nije mogla da pronađe ništa na engleskom jeziku, osim onoga što je dokumentovano u knjizi istorije.

Otišla je kod profesora Dejana Mraovića, koordinatora Programa za grafički dizajn fakulteta, i sa njim provela jedno popodne u istraživanju.

Čudne, a zadivljujuće statue Lepenskog Vira u Srbiji decenijama zbunjuju posetioce i umetnike. Isklesane u kamenu nalazile su se duž reke Dunav i prikazuju ljudska lica sa ribljim crtama.

Zaintrigirana, Medlin Alison, student završne godine grafičkog dizajna na Univerzitetu Vejland Baptist, odlučila je da zaroni malo dublje kako bi saznala više o istorijskom mestu za školski projekat. Ipak je naletela na prepreku  - nije mogla da pronađe ništa na engleskom jeziku, osim onoga što je dokumentovano u knjizi istorije.

Otišla je kod profesora Dejana Mraovića, koordinatora Programa za grafički dizajn fakulteta, i sa njim provela jedno popodne u istraživanju.

Dan kasnije, Mraović je prišao Alison sa imenom i imejlom srpskog zvaničnika i ohrabrio je da zatraži pomoć.

Misleći da zvaničnika – Adama Sofronijevića, zamenika direktora Univerzitetske biblioteke Univerziteta u Beogradu i direktora radne jedinice „Srbijamarka” Pošte Srbije – ne zanima mnogo šta se dešava sa studentom u Plejnvjuu u Teksasu, Alison je poslala upit sa malim očekivanjima.

Na njeno iznenađenje, dobila je odgovor.

„Nije me samo kontaktirao“, rekla je, „Sastavio je ceo ovaj folder od 39 članaka iz časopisa – sve na engleskom.“

Ona se potrudila da ih sve pročita i bila je još više fascinirana Lepenskim Virom na osnovu onoga što je pronašla.

Kao profesor grafičkog dizajna srpskih korena, Mraović je ponosan na interesovanje koje je studentkinja pokazala. Ali pored umetnosti, postojala je još jedna obrazovna tačka koju se nadao da će usaditi: umetnost može da gradi mostove.

Alison je provela prolećni semestar 2022. istražujući kako bi stvorila delo koje tačno odražava srpsku znamenitost. Napravila je set maraka koje prikazuju statue Lepenskog Vira među kulisama srpskih pejzaža. Bio je to naporan projekat.

Svaka marka je svoje umetničko delo. Provela je mnogo sati usavršavajući izgled i stvarajući seriju koja bi se poklopila. Provela je još više vremena tražeći savršen font.

Na prvi pogled, dizajni markica izgledaju kao fotografije snimljene na lokacijama koje prikazuju. Pažljiviji pogled otkriva detalje koji su kulminirali od sati koje je Alison uložila u svoj projekat.

Mraović je rekao da je uvek ponosan na svoje učenike, ali da je posebno ponosan što je video proizvod Alisoninog opsežnog istraživanja. Bio je toliko ponosan, zapravo, da su poslali elektronske dosijee maraka Damjanu Joviću, generalnom konzulu Republike Srbije u Čikagu.

On je odgovorio rekavši da mu se sviđa dizajn i ponudio je da pomogne, ako može, u Alisoninim i Mraovićevim naporima da promovišu srpski turizam i kulturno nasleđe Srbije.

Alison je još jednom bila oduševljena odgovorom koji je dobila od nekoga na takvom zvaničnom položaju. To što je uopšte odvojio vreme da uopšte odgovori bilo je samo po sebi dobrodošlo iznenađenje.

Ona se nada da će ljudi biti inspirisani njenim stvaralaštvom da požele da i sami vide čuda koja ona ceni. 

Članak autorke Ellysa Harris objavljen na stranici . Fotografija preuzeta sa navedene stranice.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

The Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative Fellowship Program

Since its launch in 2016, approximately 300 alumni from across Europe have bolstered their business skills and transatlantic partnerships through the YTILI Fellowship Program. YTILI uses entrepreneurship as a tool for economic empowerment to promote mutual understanding, enhance business and leadership skills, and build lasting partnerships between business leaders from Europe and the United States. YTILI will empower a new cohort of young European business and social entrepreneurs to grow their ventures, foster global partnerships, and positively impact the economic development of their communities.

The Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) is the U.S. Department of State's flagship program for emerging entrepreneurs from Europe.

The 2022 YTILI Fellowship Application is now open! Applications will be accepted through March 15, 2022.

Since its launch in 2016, approximately 300 alumni from across Europe have bolstered their business skills and transatlantic partnerships through the YTILI Fellowship Program. YTILI uses entrepreneurship as a tool for economic empowerment to promote mutual understanding, enhance business and leadership skills, and build lasting partnerships between business leaders from Europe and the United States. YTILI will empower a new cohort of young European business and social entrepreneurs to grow their ventures, foster global partnerships, and positively impact the economic development of their communities.

The YTILI Fellows Program is a two-way exchange program designed to strengthen the transatlantic relationship, develop sustainable partnerships between U.S. and European entrepreneurs and innovators, promote regional integration and cooperation in Europe, and encourage European businesses, governments and civil society to develop their innovation ecosystems. The program includes a customized virtual YTILI entrepreneurial curriculum; a fellowship with a business or organization in one of nine U.S. cities; opening and closing conferences; and alumni engagement opportunities. The 2022 YTILI Fellowship Program will begin with the virtual curriculum in July 2022 with the U.S. fellowship scheduled for October 10 – November 3, 2022.

Please note that if safe travel is not possible at the time of the YTILI Fellowship, this program will be conducted virtually or postponed.

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International Academic Center International Academic Center

English Language Programs Funding Opportunity 2022

The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announces an open competition for individuals and organizations from Serbia or the U.S. to submit applications for the English Language Small Grants Program.

* Note: Proposals will be reviewed and grants issued on a rolling basis, so please do not wait until the deadline to submit your application.

The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announces an open competition for individuals and organizations from Serbia or the U.S. to submit applications for the English Language Small Grants Program. Please check for information on other PAS funding opportunities here.

Note:  Proposals will be reviewed and grants issued on a rolling basis, so please do not wait until the deadline to submit your application.

Program Objectives

The U.S. Embassy recognizes that knowledge of the English language offers opportunities to improve job prospects for Serbia’s citizens, expand access to information and knowledge, and promote critical thinking and media literacy.  Proposals should use English to address problems or challenges faced by your community, such as brain drain, limited job opportunities, or the spread of disinformation.  Proposals may also utilize English as a bridge for increased communication and cooperation among neighbors within the Western Balkans, between citizens of Serbia and the United States, or between people from Serbia and EU member states.

Grant activities may take any number of forms, including English language camps, academic competitions, cross-border exchanges, conferences, workshops, courses, exhibits, app development, hackathons, online projects, simulations, role-playing activities, performances, or other activities.

Program Themes

The Embassy seeks applications that use English language to focus specifically on the themes below.  We have included ideas about what your project could do, but we welcome creative approaches and activities.

  1. IMPROVING INSTRUCTION. Strengthen English language teaching at all educational levels (K-12 and university), including through curriculum development, distance learning, new methodologies, new technologies, etc.

  2. ENGAGING STUDENTS IN ENGLISH (HIGH SCHOOL OR UNIVERSITY LEVEL): Strengthen critical thinking and/or media literacy skills of students through English language activities; prepare students for participation in international academic competitions conducted in English, e.g., Model UN (Model United Nations), moot court, etc.; or explain American society, culture, and values to students through English language activities.


    1. Develop and improve English language teaching (either inside or outside the formal educational system) for PWDs and learning difficulties, including through development of curriculum, educational websites and applications, and other educational tools; expanding access to current/innovative trends and methodologies, including those that assist with distance learning.

    2. Establish or strengthen connections between U.S. and Serbian and/or Serbian and regional (Western Balkan) groups – students, teachers, businesses, civil society organizations – using English as the common language to promote equality of PWDs in all aspects of life.


    1. Help citizens of Serbia develop English language skills to find jobs, with a focus on participants or beneficiaries who are economically disadvantaged students and adults, residents of rural communities, persons with disabilities (PWDs), or members of other vulnerable populations.

    2. Assist cultural and historical sites to attract more English-speaking visitors and thereby promote local tourism and economic development.


    1. Support entrepreneurship and innovation among high school and university studies, including in STEAM fields (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) through English for Specific Purposes (ESP) programs.

    2. Provide ESP instruction to individuals (university students, recent graduates, and professionals) in certain professions (including government, civil society, academia), academic fields (including science and technology, business, etc.), or other areas of interest related to U.S. Embassy objectives in order to help them find jobs; communicate and engage with counterparts in other countries; improve the quality of writing to improve the chances their research papers will be published in academic or professional journals; draft well-written grant proposals to seek funding for scientific or academic research projects; etc.


    1. Improve Serbian officials’ English language skills to communicate with EU counterparts and accelerate Serbia’s progress toward EU membership and western integration.

    2. Help Serbian civil society organizations engage with EU counterparts to make progress toward EU membership and western integration, including in the areas of human rights protection, media freedom, environmental issues, rule of law, combating corruption, etc.

    3. Help Serbian journalists strengthen their English language skills to conduct interviews and read primary source materials to cover stories on Serbia’s path toward EU membership and western integration, including in the areas of human rights protection, media freedom, environmental issues, rule of law, combating corruption, etc.


    1. Establish or strengthen connections among English language teaching professionals and institutions from countries of the Western Balkans to promote cooperation in strengthening English language instruction within the region.

    2. Promote mutual understanding, tolerance, and respect among peoples of the Western Balkans – including young people – through English language activities.

    3. Identify joint approaches to solving problems or challenges facing the Western Balkans using English as the common language.

    4. Expand and strengthen ties of Serbian professional societies and civil society organizations with their English-speaking counterparts in the Western Balkans, using English as the common language.

  8. STRENGTHENING U.S.-SERBIAN CONNECTIONS. Inform and educate audiences in Serbia about historical and cultural Serbian-U.S. ties, common attitudes and values, cooperation in different sectors (economic, political, security, health, science), and the intersection of national interests.

For more information, including the detailed instructions for application please read: English Language Programs Notice of Funding Opportunity 2022. All the documents related to this NOFO can be found on the right hand side of this page. Applications, inquiries and all other questions should be sent to

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